
Showing posts from September, 2020

Where am I starting from

I have been seconded away from my agile dev team, and leant into a UX team. This is a team build of designers and researchers - but not any developers. I believe that my UX team mates are most excited about having me onboard as a developer, as they traditionally have had problems getting al the UX coded work done that they would like. It is my mission to try to provide a benefit to the team, and its ability to get UX work developed, without doing the development work myself. This may be tricky, as the routes and personnel available for doing UX dev work are limited. My initial actions have been based around collecting the UX requirements that have been missed of existing or previous projects, and documenting them... Or 'making lists' as it feels. My goal with this is to show the UX team that by better, individual documentation of UX wants, we can then size are target work, or also, can then push back up the food chain to ask for more development time. Currently the documentatio...


 The purpose of this blog, is for me to keep a record of my professional development as I try to move away from being a front-end coder, who produces work for production cycles, into being someone who  works with people, teams and workflows, to improve the delivery of work - and does not code.  At the present I have targeted the Design Ops role, as being what will provide this change. I feel there is the potential as a Design Ops person to focus on how UX work transitions from visual design, into coded product, to shephard the designs and target improvements. I am conscious that it might be a different job title that I end up aiming for, so I am not putting the Design Ops role as my target in my initial statement. The purpose of my desire to change, is my recognition of my shortcomings as a front-end developer these days - in the work I produce, and my interest in this this area of coding. I have come to realise, that the parts of work that I enjoy more are: Working acros...